Wednesday, December 2, 2009

History of Automobile Industry

Automobile Industry History : In the year 1769, a French engineer by the name of Nicolas J. Cugnot invented the first automobile to run on roads. This automobile, in fact, was a self-powered, three-wheeled, military tractor that made the use of a steam engine. The range of the automobile, however, was very brief and at the most, it could only run at a stretch for fifteen minutes. In addition, these automobiles were not fit for the roads as the steam engines made them very heavy and large, and required ample starting time. Oliver Evans was the first to design a steam engine driven automobile in the U.S.

A Scotsman, Robert Anderson, was the first to invent an electric carriage between 1832 and 1839. However, Thomas Davenport of the U.S.A. and Scotsman Robert Davidson were amongst the first to invent more applicableautomobiles , making use of non-rechargeable electric batteries in 1842. Development of roads made travelling comfortable and as a result, the short ranged, electric battery drivenautomobiles were no more the best option for travelling over longer distances.

The Automobile Industry finally came of age with Henry Ford in 1914 for the bulk production of cars. This lead to the development of the industry and it first begun in the assembly lines of his car factory. The several methods adopted by Ford, made the new invention (that is, the car) popular amongst the rich as well as the masses.

According the History of Automobile Industry US, dominated the automobile markets around the globe with no notable competitors. However, after the end of the Second World War in 1945, the Automobile Industry of other technologically advanced nations such as Japan and certain European nations gained momentum and within a very short period, beginning in the early 1980s, the U.S Automobile Industry was flooded with foreign automobile companies, especially those of Japan and Germany.

The current trends of the Global Automobile Industry reveal that in the developed countries the Automobile Industries are stagnating as a result of the drooping car markets, whereas theAutomobile Industry in the developing nations, such as, India and Brazil, have been consistently registering higher growth rates every passing year for their flourishing domestic automobile markets.

Those who are interested in gathering more information about the Automobile Industry, may browse through the following links :

* World Auto Industry
* Auto Industry Trends
* India Auto Market
* Germany Auto Industry
* Germany Auto Insurance
* France Auto Industry
* France Auto Insurance
* UK Auto Industry
* UK Auto Insurance
* Australia Auto Industry
* Australia Auto Insurance
* US Auto Industry
* US Auto Insurance
* Auto Bailout
* South Korea Auto Industry
* South Korea Auto Insurance
* Sweden Auto Industry
* Sweden Auto Insurance
* Spain Auto Industry
* Spain Auto Insurance
* China Auto Industry
* China Auto Insurance
* India Auto Industry
* India Auto Insurance
* Italy Auto Industry
* Italy Auto Insurance
* Brazil Auto Industry
* Brazil Auto Insurance
* Japanese Auto Industry
* Malaysia Auto Industry

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