Thursday, December 17, 2009

Expecting the package

The picture of a tiny pink newborn cocooned in the secure arms of its smiling mom always warms our hearts. And, behind that smile are smarting stitches, eyes puffed due to lack of sleep, sore back, niggling tummy and legs, and inexplicable fatigue.

Transformations : It all starts when a little strip with a blue and red line announces a ‘positive' result. After the initial denial or elation, you gear up to tackle heartburn, nausea, hunger, the aches, and the swelling.
With horror you watch the changes — swollen feet, stretch marks, pigmentation, weird appetites and mood swings.
Yet, moms endure the joys and the pains, pulling through those nine long months, carting around inside them (happily for the most part), a growing (kicking!) live being.
Says mom-to-be Marina Furtado: “My best experience so far was the first time I listened to the baby's heartbeat. That's the day it really sank in that a human being was growing within me. The bond you feel with that baby must be the most awesome experience life has to offer!”
Agrees Durrain Shaik, mom of four-month-old Aadil: “Feeling the first movement and the kicks is amazing!” But she's quick to add all is not rosy. “For me, the last trimester seemed the longest. The feelings are almost always ‘mixed' by that time because you obviously want the baby to go to full term and be healthy, but you so desperately want it out and see who it looks like!”
Roopa Sen Gupta, mom of two-week-old Ruan, talks of the months of preparing. “Most of the time was spent talking only about the baby, looking up growth patterns, baby habits and needs, responses to music, sounds of our voices, shopping for baby stuff and designing the baby's crib!
Constant Support : Priya Kilpady Hemmad, in her last trimester, hasn't had the smoothest pregnancy. “The pregnancy glow and lustrous hair are fairytales to me! Adding to it were cervical stitches and bed rest.” She, however, adds: “The constant support from my mom and husband has seen me through. I can't wait to hold my little bundle!”
While it is sensible to be aware of the aches and the impending mound of dirty diapers, it's best to focus on the cooing, the gurgling and the toothless smiles of your baby.

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