Friday, December 11, 2009

How to make a career in Automotive Engineering

To make a career in automotive engineering, there are several engineering technology programs that are offered as various academic courses helping you to specialize in designing vehicles, such as, cars, trucks, etc.
You gather the expertise in providing help to build and test the vehicles, and learn how to repair and maintain with the appropriate tools and instruments. When you watch TV, you come across commercials advertising cars and other vehicles.
If you ponder for once how much it costs the vehicle manufacturers to advertise, you would be able to realise how vast the automobile industry is. If you watch the commercials closely, you will find that features of the vehicle are advertised also, such as, side air-bags, disappearing fold down seats, gas-electric hybrids, and many more.
It is evident that someone had to design these features which are now being made available in the vehicle.
When designing a vehicle, the design break-through comes from the automobile engineers, who have the specialization to design automobiles.
The job that you have as an automobile design engineer is to design the components that go into the vehicle, test them in the laboratory, and qualify them as the components which have been correctly designed. Automobile design engineers put the concept of a vehicle into reality.
You, as a design engineer would run crash tests of the vehicle, and make due assessment of the damage caused, and gather the crash data for further analysis. This you would do to determine how safe the passengers are in the vehicle, should it run into such accidents.
You would then recommend the changes that are required for the vehicle to come up to the specified level of safety.
In order to study automobile engineering, you would need to have a strong base in science and mathematics. Through your knowledge in science, you would understand the various scientific methods that are followed to perform the experiments that are required in the field of automotive engineering.
The technology involves much of thermodynamics, mechanics, electrical motion, etc. for which reason you need to be proficient in the subject of physics.
You will be required to know the working of a combustion engine and also understand how the ignition system works. You would also be required to understand the different aspect of forces that work in a car crash, and able to identify the various parameters that go in to make the car safer.
Properties of material are one of the vital subjects, a knowledge of which is utilized formidably in designing of a vehicle. You would be interested to know how plastic absorbs impact, and how it behaves in comparison with steel or fiberglass.
You would also know at what temperatures the different plastic material should be put through for molding of the parts that go in a vehicle. As a technologist you would know the characteristics of paints that are applied to the vehicle to protect it from different weather conditions.
While doing the automobile engineering course, you will learn how a vehicle is manufactured, and the different stages that it goes through on its way to the final assembly.
You would learn how the different sub-assemblies are manufactured and tested for their qualification. The courses on automobile engineering offer 2 years program, which is essentially the ones designed to train the car and truck mechanics.
If you are looking for a graduate degree, you may choose the 4 years course that earns you a bachelor’s degree.

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