Thursday, December 17, 2009

Suri Cruise named most fashionable celeb child

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes’ daughter Suri has been named the most fashionable child celebrity in a survey conducted by Britain’s specialist kids clothing retailer Adams Childrenswear.

The three-year-old, who has a designer wardrobe worth more than $3 million, has beaten the Beckham brothers and Madonna’s stylish daughter Lourdes to the top spot, reported
Cruise and Holmes have commissioned the world’s top fashion designers to custom make their daughter’s outfits.
“Suri is almost a celebrity in her own right thanks to her cute looks and her amazing wardrobe. She has outfits that rival A-list celebs and this gets her more column inches than many movie stars. I’m sure it also helps that her parents are good friends with style queen Victoria Beckham,” said Lindsey Williams, spokesperson for Adams Childrenswear.
The second place in the poll of 3,000 parents went to the Beckham’s youngest son Cruz closely followed by his big brother Brooklyn.
Madonna’s 13-year-old daughter Lourdes was voted into fourth place while Beckhams’ second son Romeo was at number five.
Peter Andre and Katie Price’s son Junior was voted into sixth place followed by Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s daughter Shiloh.

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