Friday, December 18, 2009

19-yr-old commits suicide Live On Internet

Abraham K. Biggs, a 19 year-old Broward County teen decided to commit suicide while broadcasting himself on Justin.TV, Wednesday after being challenged by viewers of his live webcasting channel Justin.TV and chat commenters on
After being egged by audiences and forum member, Biggs, who had been considering suicide because depression and disappointment with life, overdosed on pills while on camera and appeared to stop breathing for hours in front of viewers of his Justin.TV and they all thought that was just a joke he made up.
After an unspecified amount of time, one of the forum member from India concerned by Biggs’ lack of movement and pleaded with the forum to call police. An hour later Biggs’ door room was busted down and BSO and paramedics arrived on the scene. The video kept running until police broke Biggs’ door down and blocked the camera’s view.
Before the suicide, Biggs had left his suicide notes posed expressing his failures in life conveyed a general sense of depression and disappointment. However none of the medias mention about Biggs’ family.

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