Friday, December 18, 2009

Dubai, a Brazilian object of desire.

Brazil international calendar starts with Gulfood Fair – United Arabian Emirates. This food and hospitality trade fair registered almost 40,000 trade professionals in 2008 and its 14th edition will be on Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre from 23 to 26th February 2009, Carnival period in Brazil.
The Emirates signed a cooperation intent agreement with Mercosur countries in 2005, aiming to configure a free trade area, but negotiations are frozen with no estimated data for a closure. This is not a problem for the most interested sectors like airplanes, automobiles, motorcycle, shoes, furniture and food and beverage.
Anticipating Gulfood, Apex will lead 40 Brazilian companies that will offer a gourmet experience to importers from 11 Arabian countries – Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iran, Lebanon, Egypt, Yemen, Oman, Kuwait, Syria, Jordan and Catha – in an event called Flavors of Brazil (Sabores do Brasil) that will take place in Feb 20th and 21st. As Brazil has always a friendly face, each participant will receive a book on The Arab Influences in Brazilian Life. Its last chapter is on Arabian recipes according to the “vision” of Brazilian chefs.

In March or April a diplomacy appointment: the visit of the Brazil’s President to UAE.
In the same period, an Apex Business Center will be launched in Dubai. Meanwhile, Emirates started a direct flight Sao Paulo – Dubai recently and Dubai Tourism Department is opening a representative office in Sao Paulo in order to follow up the increasing interest Brazilians have in Dubai.

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