Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Drug Rehab

Drug rehab centers offer hope to men and women and their families who are suffering from the devastating consequences of chemical dependency and addiction. Deciding to seek recovery for yourself or someone you care about may be one of the most courageous and life-altering steps you'll ever take. Choose your drug rehab carefully, as this treatment will be the foundation for your recovery.

Drug rehab and alcohol rehab centers should offer a variety of treatment programs that can meet individual needs and offer sustained help. Programs may include inpatient, residential, outpatient, extended care, and/or short-stay options. While alcohol and drug addiction progress through predictable stages, each individual's experience has quite personal and unique characteristics. It takes a trained professional, either a physician or therapist specializing in addiction, to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the most appropriate treatment program.
Not all alcohol and drug rehab centers are the same - each rehab can differ significantly in philosophies, program options, credentials, staff skills and qualifications, and cost. The process of selecting the right drug rehab can be confusing. Most of us don't know exactly what to look for or the questions to ask that will help determine the drug rehab center that's best designed to meet our needs.

As you research and evaluate potential drug rehab centers, ask however many questions it takes for you to address the following basic considerations - and before you make any final decisions, make sure you feel satisfied that all of your questions have been thoughtfully and thoroughly answered.

- What is the drug rehab center's philosophy on addiction?
- What drug treatment programs are available at the rehab?
- What are the administrators' and staffs' credentials?
- How does their treatment program differ from other drug rehabs?
- How much will recovery treatment cost?
- What drug rehab services are covered by health insurance?
- Do people starting the program come off alcohol and/or drugs cold turkey - and what happens during and after withdrawal?
- How long will it take to complete the drug rehab treatment program?
- What types of people do they treat (e.g., ages, men and/or women, socio-economic profile)?
- What is the degree of family involvement in the recovery program?
- How is the transition from the drug rehab back into mainstream society structured?
- What is their success rate?
- Are they accredited?

Choosing a drug rehab is choosing to begin a new and better way of life. It's important to remember that, just as alcohol and drug addiction don't happen overnight, neither does the process of becoming alcohol- and/or drug-free. Recovery is an ongoing process and each aspect of life that is affected by alcohol and drug use must be continuously addressed.

Be careful and especially scrutinizing as you determine the drug rehab that is designed to most completely meet your needs and assist with long lasting success. This directory has listings of drug rehab programs and treatment centers, alcohol rehabilitation programs, halfway houses, sober living houses, drug detox and alcohol detox centers.

By taking the first step - reaching out for help - you can become one of the lucky few who find freedom from their drug and alcohol addiction. Call 866-762-3712 today to talk to a qualified advisor about the right treatment option for you or your loved one.

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