Thursday, August 12, 2010

Quality Transparency for Payers

Would you like to know what members are saying about their experience with a physician or hospital?

Find out from HealthGrades. Arm yourself with the necessary business intelligence to recruit and retain membership in a highly competitive marketplace.

Health plans and employers partner with HealthGrades, a source millions of consumers trust for independent health care ratings, to provide the most comprehensive, meaningful and accurate provider data for member consumption.

One of the greatest challenges health plans and employers face today is providing their members with meaningful data when it comes time to choose a physician or hospital.

With flexible data solutions from HealthGrades, you can provide the right information at the right time to assist your members in making intelligent and informed decisions that both you and your members can benefit from.

Our comprehensive national dataset provides you with a single source of accurate and up-to-date provider information. We take the burden off of the payer by aggregating data from multiple sources and provide you with a one-stop source for independent information on provider quality.

HealthGrades can easily integrate cost and quality transparency data on the nations' health care facilities, physicians, alternative care providers and much more within your provider lookup tools. As we continue to expand our inter

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