Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Proposal and the Engagement Rings

The Engagement Ring
The time has come to propose but how are you going to do it? Well, first you need to get the ring and you can find the best engagement rings orange county has to offer right online. In my experience with jewelry I have found that the best selections and prices are when you get them online from those reputable jewelry stores. You may even want to feel the situation out and see if she would rather pick her own engagement ring when the time comes.

Talk About Marriage…Not Too Soon In A Relationship
You want to make sure that you are going to have a successful outcome. Make sure that you both have talked about the possibilities of getting married and that she will actually say yes. Sure, you want the element of surprise but you do not want a "shock and awe" effect.

Be Respectful Of Your New In-Laws
Always talk to the parents. It is just very respectful and is the right way to go about something like this. Sure it is old fashioned but this is something that needs to be done whether you like the parents or not.

Be Romantic and Charming Not Corny
Make the proposal unique to what you like. Propose to her in a setting that you will both like and enjoy. If you enjoy the park together then perhaps a romantic picnic is in order. And when the actually moment arrives get down on that knee…it is just very charming and romantic. Be sure to say something special and romantic before you say the magical words, "will you marry me". Let her know that she is the only one and how much you care for her. You do not want this to be corny but rather memorable.

Don't Propose In Public Or In Front Of People
Now, personally, I find it in poor taste to make something as intimate and special as this to make is public. In my opinion, I think it is a bit tacky to propose at a ballgame on the mega screen…but that is just me. Unless she is a showy sort of person this is something you may want to avoid. I also would not put the ring in food. I had a friend that almost choked on her because it was in a cupcake. Also, I would not propose in front of friends or family because it could be a little awkward for her. Remember, it are what you say and the proposal itself…the presentation is just the packaging.

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