Sunday, November 29, 2009

6 Marriage Tips For Having A Fulfilled Married Life

A lot of people say that they are lucky to have stayed married a long time. Stayed happily married, that is. However, experts say that a lot more than luck is needed in order to stay happily married.

Many people are claiming that when they got married, they became happy. But the thing is, happiness should be able to come from within you first. You will not really be able to experience happiness in marriage when you are not truly happy. Happiness does not stem from being married alone. Getting married can add to the element of happiness of your life, yes, but it cannot really be the main reason why you are happy. Happiness comes from within an individual, and it just emanates once that individual gets married.

Today, though, a lot of people are going through the dilemma of whether to file for a divorce or not. The primary reason why this is happening is because a person is no longer happy. More or less, it really affects the married couple if one person is no longer happy since a marriage cannot function properly if only one person is navigating through it.

To be able to stay happy in a marriage, here are some marriage tips that have more or less been proven and tested:

Marriage tip #1: Learn to like yourself and your spouse - your flaws, weaknesses, and all other negative aspects that you have. Understand that no one can really be perfect and do not expect for unrealistic things to happen.

Marriage tip #2: Learn to express yourself. Usually, if you are repressing what you really feel, they will just add up and will just explode someday. You should avoid that and, at the same time, learn how to respect your spouse's individuality as well.

Marriage tip #3: Always make it a point to have any misunderstandings that you have settled before the day ends. This will make sure that you have a great atmosphere at home.

Marriage tip #4: Be supportive of your partner's interests and try to engage yourself in it. Learn your partner's favorite hobbies so that you can both enjoy together.

Marriage tip #5: Make sure that you fill in each other on what transpired within both your daily endeavors. This allows the flow of communication to stay healthy. Share everything with your partner as much as you can.

Marriage tip #6: Do mundane chores together. It contributes to your quality time.

Happiness can be maintained and even made better as long as you and your spouse have the emotional maturity to stay happy from within yourselves. As long as you are able to make do with whatever you have do the simple things that make life worth living, then you're in for a great ride.

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