Sunday, November 29, 2009

6 Marriage Tips For Having A Fulfilled Married Life

A lot of people say that they are lucky to have stayed married a long time. Stayed happily married, that is. However, experts say that a lot more than luck is needed in order to stay happily married.

Many people are claiming that when they got married, they became happy. But the thing is, happiness should be able to come from within you first. You will not really be able to experience happiness in marriage when you are not truly happy. Happiness does not stem from being married alone. Getting married can add to the element of happiness of your life, yes, but it cannot really be the main reason why you are happy. Happiness comes from within an individual, and it just emanates once that individual gets married.

Today, though, a lot of people are going through the dilemma of whether to file for a divorce or not. The primary reason why this is happening is because a person is no longer happy. More or less, it really affects the married couple if one person is no longer happy since a marriage cannot function properly if only one person is navigating through it.

To be able to stay happy in a marriage, here are some marriage tips that have more or less been proven and tested:

Marriage tip #1: Learn to like yourself and your spouse - your flaws, weaknesses, and all other negative aspects that you have. Understand that no one can really be perfect and do not expect for unrealistic things to happen.

Marriage tip #2: Learn to express yourself. Usually, if you are repressing what you really feel, they will just add up and will just explode someday. You should avoid that and, at the same time, learn how to respect your spouse's individuality as well.

Marriage tip #3: Always make it a point to have any misunderstandings that you have settled before the day ends. This will make sure that you have a great atmosphere at home.

Marriage tip #4: Be supportive of your partner's interests and try to engage yourself in it. Learn your partner's favorite hobbies so that you can both enjoy together.

Marriage tip #5: Make sure that you fill in each other on what transpired within both your daily endeavors. This allows the flow of communication to stay healthy. Share everything with your partner as much as you can.

Marriage tip #6: Do mundane chores together. It contributes to your quality time.

Happiness can be maintained and even made better as long as you and your spouse have the emotional maturity to stay happy from within yourselves. As long as you are able to make do with whatever you have do the simple things that make life worth living, then you're in for a great ride.


Marriage Counseling May Help Save Your Marriage

The Scottsdale marriage counseling is now a popular and acceptable intervention. Many married couples who are going through a rough marriage should seriously consider marriage therapy before irreparable damage causes the tenuous relationship to crumble. In extreme cases, there is also a need for Scottsdale childrens therapy to protect the siblings from the negative effects brought about by the difficult marriage in the family. This approach is now the the standard mode of resolution of any conflict between married couples.

Marriage is an must have institution that has an important role in the society and it is imperative that everyone should give their contribution in preserving this very important institution.

Unfortunately, marriage is not all about peaches and cream. There will always be challenges to hurdle and problems that may complicate and test the resolve of the married couples. Married couples will eventually encounter crisis and difficult situations which, if not handled properly and promptly, may endanger and damage the very core of the relationship. It is at this point that Scottsdale marriage counseling is a necessity and, in extreme cases, the last resort in order to save the marriage.

The secret of effective Scottsdale marriage counseling is the tool used to make couples see and acknowledge the importance of the marriage above all other issues that may threaten the family. It creates a positive atmosphere where the couples seek to resolve the conflict for the sake of the marriage and the family. The session conducted hopes to achieve lasting and meaningful reconciliation and the resolution hopes to end the recurrence of the problem situation of conflict between the married couples. The marriage counseling is performed in a discrete and professional manner.

Marriage experts believe that it is essential for married couples to seek the services of marriage counselors at the first sign of problem. It is also strongly advised that couples seek the assistance of a professional marriage counselor or therapist before thinking of divorce and totally giving up on the marriage.

Once the married couples decide to seek Scottsdale marriage counseling, they should realize that the procedure may not always lead to a happy conclusion, contrary to what most of us expect from such sessions with marriage counselors or therapists. The session is designed to push the couples into a clear understanding about the problems affecting the marriage and the family. It is for both of them to understand the best way to resolve their issues and sometimes, such exercise may lead to the acceptance that going separate ways in the only remaining option.

The first thing that the married couple should complete before finally referring their marital problems to professional marriage counselors is to resolve between the two of them that they would indeed seek professional help in order to save the marriage. This is one essential element that should be present in order for the therapy to work. Both should be in the proper frame of mind in exploring all paths to save the marriage. If anyone of them chooses not to cooperate, then the marriage counseling is bound to fail.


Prepare for Groomsmen Gifts and Bridesmaid Gifts

The wedding party do a lot for the bride and the groom in preparation for the wedding. Not only do they help in many pre-wedding functions such as shopping, offering their trusted opinions, attending events, and just trying to keep the bride and groom sane during this whole process, but they participate in the wedding itself.

It really is a lot to ask someone to be a part of your wedding. It takes a big time commitment on their part and they have to put some things in their life on hold so that they can do what you need done for your special day.

Be sure to thank these special friends and relatives. Most brides and grooms do this by giving a modest gift sometime before the wedding. The rehearsal dinner is the most convenient time since everyone is together that is in the wedding. And it is the last time before the wedding that everyone will be together in a relaxed setting. You all get your dinners on order. Then, as you're waiting for dinner or during dessert, the bride and groom can hand out the groomsmen gifts and bridesmaids gifts and say a few words of gratitude to their groomsmen and bridesmaids.

These gifts do not need to be overly expensive. Usually if you spend $20 to $50 each, you're right in the zone and can give out nice gifts that you'll be proud of. For the girls, popular gifts are cosmetic cases, slippers, spa robes, pink liquor flasks, jewelry boxes, earrings, bracelets, necklaces or small purses. For the guys, sports mugs, lighters, flasks, cufflinks, pocket knives, pocket watches, wallets or electronics will do the trick. Most of the time, the bride and groom will select personalized gifts. This allows you to put a little more fuss and care into the gifts. Everyone loves to feel special and personalized gifts will do the trick.

Be sure that you allow yourself at least two months before the wedding to get these gifts ordered online. That way you'll have plenty of time for the engraving or personalization to occur. You'll also allow plenty of time for your order to arrive via UPS or FEDEX. Be sure to have a list of names ready of those groomsmen and bridesmaids. You want to make sure that you have everyone's formal name. A lot of times someone will go by a nickname for their first name, but that's really not even their name. Make sure you have that list together and find out any preferences of what people go by for their names. You want to have the right first name customized on their gift.


The Proposal and the Engagement Rings

The Engagement Ring
The time has come to propose but how are you going to do it? Well, first you need to get the ring and you can find the best engagement rings orange county has to offer right online. In my experience with jewelry I have found that the best selections and prices are when you get them online from those reputable jewelry stores. You may even want to feel the situation out and see if she would rather pick her own engagement ring when the time comes.

Talk About Marriage…Not Too Soon In A Relationship
You want to make sure that you are going to have a successful outcome. Make sure that you both have talked about the possibilities of getting married and that she will actually say yes. Sure, you want the element of surprise but you do not want a "shock and awe" effect.

Be Respectful Of Your New In-Laws
Always talk to the parents. It is just very respectful and is the right way to go about something like this. Sure it is old fashioned but this is something that needs to be done whether you like the parents or not.

Be Romantic and Charming Not Corny
Make the proposal unique to what you like. Propose to her in a setting that you will both like and enjoy. If you enjoy the park together then perhaps a romantic picnic is in order. And when the actually moment arrives get down on that knee…it is just very charming and romantic. Be sure to say something special and romantic before you say the magical words, "will you marry me". Let her know that she is the only one and how much you care for her. You do not want this to be corny but rather memorable.

Don't Propose In Public Or In Front Of People
Now, personally, I find it in poor taste to make something as intimate and special as this to make is public. In my opinion, I think it is a bit tacky to propose at a ballgame on the mega screen…but that is just me. Unless she is a showy sort of person this is something you may want to avoid. I also would not put the ring in food. I had a friend that almost choked on her because it was in a cupcake. Also, I would not propose in front of friends or family because it could be a little awkward for her. Remember, it are what you say and the proposal itself…the presentation is just the packaging.


The Truth About December 21 2012 Doomsday Survival

You may have noticed increasing stories in the press, online and across the TV about impending doom come 2012. A simple search online will return thousands of links, and stacks of information giving you 2012 Doomsday survival tips and predictions relating to this upcoming date. With December 21 being the most likely date, many theories exist. There are fundamentalists for the environment claiming global warming will swell, though the most commonly discussed claims suggest it is related to the end of the Mesoamerican calendar. The date of the winter solstice, a time when the earth will be perfectly aligned with a black hole deep within the Milky Way galaxy and the date of the end of the ancient Mayan civilization calendar.

One of the 2012 predictions which has set people talking has the earth colliding with another planet, though this has been mocked by NASA and other experts in planetary movements and things stellar. Another which has received widespread attention, concerns a geomagnetic shift of the earth's poles. The shifting of the earth's poles and its magnetic fields will result in natural disasters and catastrophes, such as hurricanes, massive earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis, much like what happened millions of years ago with the last magnetic shift.

Because of the likely consequences, 2012 Doomsday survival tips and predictions have been posted online for a while already. It is thought to be the end of an era, the end of days, the day of disaster.

Already, people are told to start building concrete bunkers high in mountain ranges not prone to volcanic activity.However not all high ranges of mountains are advised, particularly those in the North and South American continents, nor most of Europe; both of these areas are seen as being virtual no go areas.

People wishing to start humanity again, and survive the disasters are advised to already start getting in their provisions and building their bunkers. At least a year's worth of tinned and dried food is said to be needed, along with seeds and grains of all types. Advice also states that essential supplies to restart civilization are also required, such as books, academic materials, studies of how to make things, instructions, music, and the learned expertise of leaders in their field. 2012 doomsday survival is not only possible, but is being planned by individuals and governments throughout the planet.

While many suggest that this apocalyptic event will allow humanity to be reborn, with a greater understanding of the races' place in the world, there are equally as many who suggest that 2012 doomsday survival will not be needed. They claim instead that humanity will undergo a positive event, revolutionizing our existence rather than condemning it.


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